Project : Azure DevOps

 Microsoft Azure DevOps currently has three types of processes:

  • Agile
  • Scrum
  • CMMI

But the problem with these processes is that they are very process or methodology-heavy. Suppose you are a new engineer, and you are working with Github and you want to use Azure DevOps, then you will need to deal with product backlog items, user storage, and all the technical mambo-jumbo. These make adopting Azure DevOps very complicated.

So to remove these complexities the Azure DevOps introduced the Basic process. With this users could just literally add project issues and start working on them immediately. Basic Process is the most lightweight. You should choose Basic when your team wants to develop or create the simplest model that uses Issues, Tasks, and Epics to track work.  

There are 3 work items in Azure Boards with the Basic process:

  1. Epic: Under epic, we can create multiple types of issues.
  2. Issue: Issue may be a bug, user story, or an improvement.
  3. Task: Task is the smallest unit of work, for each issue we can create multiple tasks.

In this article, we will look into the process of creating a project on Azure DevOps using Basic Process. To do so follow the below steps:

Step 1: Sign-in or Sign up to Azure DevOps  

  • Add your email address, phone number, or Skype ID to your Microsoft account.

  • If you don’t have Microsoft Account create one.

Step 2: Create Project with Basic Process in Azure DevOps

  • Click on the New Project button on the top right corner.

  • Enter information into the Panel that opens:
    • Enter the name of your project.
    • Project name can’t contain special characters such as / : \ ~ & % ; @ ‘ ” ? < > | # $ * } { , + = [ ], can’t begin with an underscore and must be 64 or fewer characters.
    • Enter the description this field is optional.
    • Choose the visibility of either public or private.
      • Public: With public visibility, anyone on the internet has the right to view your project.
      • Private: With private visibility, only people to whom you give access can view your project.
    • Choose the right version control for detail refer Git and TFVC version control – Azure Repos | Microsoft Docs.
    • Choose the Work Item Process.

Step 3: Click Create button. Navigated to Welcome page.

Step 4: You can choose the options display on the welcome screen to continue.

  • Invite: Using this option you can add others to your project. You can only invite users who are already part of your organization.

  •  Boards: Using this Option you can add work items.

  • Repos: Using this option we can clone or import a repository also initialize a README file for project summary page.

  • Pipelines: Using this option we can connect to any git provider and deploy continuously in any language and platform to the cloud.

  • Test Plans: Using this option we can perform testing solutions using the explanatory testing toolkit.

  • Artifacts: Using this option we can create, discover, host, install, and publish NuGet, npm, and Maven packages.

  • Manage your services: Using this option we can disable the visibility of services.

At this stage, you have successfully created a project on Azure DevOps using the Basic Process.


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