
 The ELK Stack, which traditionally consisted of three main components — Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, is now also used together with what is called “Beats” — a family of log shippers for different use cases containing Filebeat, Metricbeat, Packetbeat, Auditbeat, Heartbeat and Winlogbeat.

As mentioned earlier, when Elastic closed-sourced the ELK Stack, they also restricted Beats to prevent them from sending data to:

  • Elasticsearch 7.10 or earlier open source distros
  • Non-Elastic distros of Elasticsearch

This undermined a traditionally-critical Beats capability: the ability to freely forward data to different logging back-ends depending on changing preferences. Now, Beats users will need to rip and replace their log forwarders when they want to switch to a logging database like OpenSearch – a tedious and time intensive exercise.

What are Beats?

Beats are a collection of log shippers that act as agents installed on the different servers in your environment for collecting logs or metrics. Written in Go, these shippers were designed to be lightweight in nature — they leave a small installation footprint, are resource efficient, and function with no dependencies.

The data collected by the different beats varies — log files in the case of Filebeat, network data in the case of Packetbeat, system and service metrics in the case of Metricbeat, Windows event logs in the case of Winlogbeat, and so forth.  In addition to the beats developed and supported by Elastic, there is also a growing list of beats developed and contributed by the community.

Once collected, you can configure your beat to ship the data either directly into Elasticsearch or to Logstash for additional processing. Some of the beats also support processing which helps offload some of the heavy lifting Logstash is responsible for.

Since version 7.0, Beats comply with the Elastic Common Schema (ECS) introduced at the beginning of 2019.  ECS aims at making it easier for users to correlate between data sources by sticking to a uniform field format.


Filebeat is used for collecting and shipping log files. Filebeat can be installed on almost any operating system, including as a Docker container, and also comes with internal modules for specific platforms such as Apache, MySQL, Docker and more, containing default configurations and Kibana objects for these platforms.


A network packet analyzer, Packetbeat was the first beat introduced. Packetbeat captures network traffic between servers, and as such can be used for application and performance monitoring. Packetbeat can be installed on the server being monitored or on its own dedicated server.


Metricbeat collects ships various system-level metrics for various systems and platforms. Like Filebeat, Metricbeat also supports internal modules for collecting statistics from specific platforms. You can configure the frequency by which Metricbeat collects the metrics and what specific metrics to collect using these modules and sub-settings called metricsets.


Winlogbeat will only interest Windows sysadmins or engineers as it is a beat designed specifically for collecting Windows Event logs. It can be used to analyze security events, updates installed, and so forth.


Auditbeat can be used for auditing user and process activity on your Linux servers. Similar to other traditional system auditing tools (systemd, auditd), Auditbeat can be used to identify security breaches — file changes, configuration changes, malicious behavior, etc.  


Functionbeat is defined as a “serverless” shipper that can be deployed as a function to collect and ship data into the ELK Stack. Designed for monitoring cloud environments, Functionbeat is currently tailored for Amazon setups and can be deployed as an Amazon Lambda function to collect data from Amazon CloudWatch, Kinesis and SQS.

Configuring beats

Being based on the same underlying architecture, Beats follow the same structure and configuration rules.

Generally speaking, the configuration file for your beat will include two main sections: one defines what data to collect and how to handle it, the other where to send the data to.

Configuration files are usually located in the same directory —  for Linux, this location is the /etc/<beatname> directory. For Filebeat, this would be /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml, for Metricbeat, /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml. And so forth.

Beats configuration files are based on the YAML format with a dictionary containing a group of key-value pairs, but they can contain lists and strings, and various other data types. Most of the beats also include files with complete configuration examples, useful for learning the different configuration settings that can be used. Use it as a reference.

Beats modules

Filebeat and Metricbeat support modules — built-in configurations and Kibana objects for specific platforms and systems. Instead of configuring these two beats, these modules will help you start out with pre-configured settings which work just fine in most cases but that you can also adjust and fine tune as you see fit.

Filebeat modules: Apache, Auditd, Cisco, Coredns, Elasticsearch, Envoyproxy, HAProxy, Icinga, IIS, Iptables, Kafka, Kibana, Logstash, MongoDB, MySQL, Nats, NetFlow, Nginx, Osquery, Palo Alto Networks, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, Santa, Suricata, System, Traefik, Zeek (Bro).

Metricbeat modules: Aerospike, Apache, AWS, Ceph, Couchbase, Docker, Dropwizard, Elasticsearch, Envoyproxy, Etcd, Golang, Graphite, HAProxy, HTTP, Jolokia, Kafka, Kibana, Kubernetes, kvm, Logstash, Memcached, MongoDB, mssql, Munin, MySQL, Nats, Nginx, PHP_FPM, PostgreSQL, Prometheus, RabbitMQ, Redis, System, traefik, uwsgi, vSphere, Windows, Zookeeper.

Configuration example

So, what does a configuration example look like? Obviously, this differs according to the beat in question. Below, however, is an example of a Filebeat configuration that is using a single prospector for tracking Puppet server logs, a JSON directive for parsing, and a local Elasticsearch instance as the output destination.

filebeat.prospectors: - type: log enabled: true paths: - /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver.log.json - /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver-access.log.json json.keys_under_root: true output.elasticsearch: # Array of hosts to connect to. hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

Configuration best practices

Each beat contains its own unique configuration file and configuration settings, and therefore requires its own set of instructions. Still, there are some common configuration best practices that can be outlined here to provide a solid general understanding.

  • Some beats, such as Filebeat, include full example configuration files (e.g, /etc/filebeat/filebeat.full.yml). These files include long lists all the available configuration options.
  • YAML files are extremely sensitive. DO NOT use tabs when indenting your lines — only spaces. YAML configuration files for Beats are mostly built the same way, using two spaces for indentation.
  • Use a text editor (I use Sublime) to edit the file.
  • The ‘-’ (dash) character is used for defining new elements — be sure to preserve their indentations and the hierarchies between sub-constructs.


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