Writing a Playbook


Exercise  - Writing a Playbook

 The purpose of the playbook we are going to consider now, is to ensure that the httpd

package is installed and the service is enabled and started

 Create a file setup_apache.yaml in master terminal window and add the following text to it.


- hosts: all

remote_user: test


- name: Ensure the HTTPd package is installed


name: httpd

state: present

become: True

- name: Ensure the HTTPd service is enabled and running


name: httpd

state: started

enabled: True

become: True

 Let's run it in the usual way:

$ ansible-playbook -i client.test.org, setup_apache.yaml

$ rpm -qa | grep httpd

$ systemctl status httpd

Exercise  - Variables in Playbooks

 Create a file variable.yaml in master terminal window and add the following text to it.


- hosts: all

remote_user: test


- name: Set variable 'name'


name: Test machine

- name: Print variable 'name'


msg: '{{ name }}'

 Let's run it in the usual way:

$ ansible-playbook -i client.test.org, variables.yaml

$ ansible all -i client.test.org, -m setup

 Create a file setup_variable.yaml in master terminal window and add the following text to it


- hosts: all

remote_user: test


- name: Print OS and version


msg: '{{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }}'

 Run it with the following:

$ ansible-playbook -i client.test.org, setup_variables.yaml

 As you can see, it printed the OS name and version, as expected, it's also possible to pass a variable using a command-line argument

 Create a file cli_variable.yaml in master terminal window and add the following text to it


- hosts: all

remote_user: test


- name: Print variable 'name'


msg: '{{ name }}'

 Execute it with the following:

$ ansible-playbook -i client.test.org, cli_variables.yaml -e 'name=test01'

 In case we forgot to add the additional parameter to specify the variable, we would have executed it as:

$ ansible-playbook -i client.test.org, cli_variables.yaml


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