Puppet Modules

 • Modules are self-contained bundles of code and data with a specific directory structure

• These reusable, shareable units of Puppet code are a basic building block for Puppet

• Modules must have a valid name and be located in modulepath

• Puppet automatically loads all content from every module in modulepath making classes, defined types, and plug-ins (such as custom types or facts) available

• You can download and install modules written by Puppet or the Puppet community from the Puppet Forge

Module Structure

• Modules have a specific directory structure that allows Puppet to find and automatically load classes, defined types, facts, custom types and providers, functions, and tasks

• Module names should contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores, and should begin with a lowercase letter

• Each manifest in a module’s manifests folder should contain only one class or defined type

• You can serve files in a module’s files directory to agent nodes

• Any ERB or EPP template can be rendered in a manifest

Exercise  - Puppet Modules

 Go to master terminal window and run the following command

cd /etc/puppet/modules

puppet module generate reuseable-module

 This will start guiding you how to create your module. Leave source code repository blank and generate the meta data required for module.

 Go to the master terminal and under folder /etc/puppet/modules/reuseable-module. You will see a lot of files that support the development of your module

 Go to the folder /etc/puppet/modules/reuseable-module/manifests. In that you will see an init.pp. Edit this file

nano init.pp

class reuseable-module {

notify {“This is the reusable module”: }


 Go to the master terminal and /etc/puppet/modules/reusable-module/tests. Edit the init.pp file in this folder

include reuseable-module

 Close the file and go to tests folder under the module reusable-module and open init.pp and apply from this folder

include reuseable-module

puppet apply init.pp

 Next we will download a module from Puppet Forge and apply it to agent

 Go to Puppet Forge and search for module apache. Download it to /etc/puppet/modules folder on Puppet Master by using following command

puppet module install puppetlabs-apache --version 2.3.0

 This will create 3 folders – apache, concat and stdlib under your modules folders

 Go back to your reusable-module and under manifests open the init.pp file and add the following code to the class

include apache

 Now go to the test folder and run

puppet apply init.pp

 This will install apache on the master


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