Docker Containers


Docker containers are running docker images and is used to deploy the applications.

Create Containers

 docker container run -it -d ubuntu   # it interactive d demon  when images are running it is called containers
 docker container run -it  ubuntu # it runs the container in attach mode
docker run -it --name test -d ubuntu # it will create container with name test
 docker ps   // list running images
docker container ls 
docker container ls --all
 docker ps -a    //list all the continers 
docker top <<container>> # it shows the processes in the container
docker stats <<container>> # it shows mem/cpu usage in the container
sudo docker run -m 4m -dit --name web1 nginx   # running the container with a limit of 4mb

 sudo docker run -c 614 -dit --name db nginx
 sudo docker run -c 410 -dit --name web nginx /
  #Will give 60% to the db container (614 is 60% of 1024) and 40% to the web containe
docker pause <<containerid>> # to pause the container
docker unpause <<containerid> # to unpause the container
docker logs <<Containerid>> # it shows the logs of the container
docker inspect <<containerid>> # it is to inspect the container
docker stop <<containerid>> # it will stop the container with exit code 0
 docker kill <<container id>> # to stop or kill forcefully with exit code 137
 docker exec -it <<Container id>> bash # command to go inside the container

 docker rm <<container id>> # to remove the stopped container
docker rm -f <<container id>> # remove the container(stop/star) forcefully
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) # to remove all the containers forcefully
docker ps -a | grep "ubuntu" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm -f # it will remove the container which is referenced by ubuntu image
docker rmi $(docker images -q) # to remove all the images -q quiet
 #create a user using adduser 
 docker exec -it -u raman test bash
# to copy file from host machine to container
docker cp test.html container:/test # test.html is the file on host machine under test directory of container
Port forwarding
#Run the following command to do the port forwarding with Host Machine
docker container run -it --name webserver -p 80:80 -d ubuntu

# To run the application on my container and access it through web browser
docker exec -it webserver bash # Go inside the container

#Run the following commands in the container
apt update # inside the container it will update the apt repo
apt install apache2 -y # it will install the apache in the container
service apache2 start # it will start apache service in container

goto your browser and use public ip address and you will be able to see Apache defualt page

exit # to exit from the container

on your local machine create a file called test.html and write some html code

docker cp test.html webserver:/var/www/html/ # copy the test.html file to the container

got to browser and PublicIP/test.html, you will be able to see the test.html output on browser


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