Notifications in Nagios

 • The decision to send out notifications is made in the service check and host check logic

• Each host and service definition has a <contact_groups> option that specifies what contact groups receive notifications for that particular host or service

• There are several filters that notifications encounters before reaching to the receiver

Prerequisites for delivering notification

 Nagios supports optional detection of hosts and services that are "flapping"

 Flapping occurs when a service or host changes state too frequently, resulting a problem and recovery notifications

Nagios Notification Methods

• There are many ways through which Nagios notifies about a problem or recovery Example: Mail, Instant message, Audio alert etc.

• How notifications are sent depend on the notification commands that are defined in your object definition files

• While writing your notification commands, you need to take into account what type of notification is occurring

• The $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro (macroinstruction)contains a string that identifies the type of notification occurring

Program Wide Filters

• Filter to test of whether or not notifications are enabled on a program-wide basis

• This is initially determined by the enable_notifications directive in the main config file

• If notifications are disabled on a program-wide basis, no host or service notifications can be sent out or else notifications move to the next filter

Service & Host Filters

• This filter is a check to see if

• The host or service is in a period of scheduled downtime

• The host or service is flapping

• Notifications can be sent out for warning states, critical states, and recoveries

• Notifications fall in valid notification time period

• Scheduled downtime- Scheduled periods of planned downtime for hosts and service that you're monitoring.

• This is an event of taking a server down for an upgrade, etc.

Contact Filter

 At this point the notification has passed the program mode filter and all host or service filters and Nagios starts to notify all the people it should

 Contact filters are specific to each contact and do not affect other contacts receive notifications


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